基于基尼系数的吉林省口腔医疗机构人力资源公平性分析 认领
更新日期:2021-05-10     浏览次数:112

摘要 目的通过对吉林省口腔医疗机构的人力资源现状的数据进行整理与分析,探讨存在的问题,为优化吉林省口腔医疗机构人力资源配置、提高口腔医疗机构卫生服务公平性、相关部门决策提供参考和依据。方法采用描述性分析、洛伦兹曲线和基尼系数,分析2020年吉林省口腔医疗机构人力资源配置公平性及其变化趋势。结果 2020年吉林省口腔医疗机构人力资源严重不足,非公立口腔医疗机构优于公立口腔医疗机构的公平性,配置较公平。各地方口腔医师人力资源分配相对公平。结论各地口腔医师分布较好,鼓励医师到各级口腔医疗机构出诊,非公立口腔医疗机构服务能力及整体素质有较大提升空间。 Objective To sort out and analyze the data of the current situation of human resources of dental institutions in Jilin Province,so as to optimize human resource allocation in dental medical institutions,and improve the health service equity in dental institutions,and to provide reference and evidence for related departments.Methods Using descriptive analysis,Lorentz curve and Gini coefficient,to analyze the equity and its change trend of human resource distribution in dental institutions in Jilin Province in 2020.Results The human resources of dental institutions in Jilin Province are in great shortage,and the distribution of private dental institutions is much better than that of public ones.In addition,the distribution of dentists is relatively fair in cities of Jilin Province.Conclusion The distribution of dentists is good,and dentists are encouraged to practice in dental institutions at different levels;and there is much room for private dental institutions to develop service ability and quality.
作者 张杰 闫琳琳 邹馨颖 沙青 张桐菲 ZHANG Jie;YAN Lin-lin;ZOU Xin-ying(Hospital of Stomatlolgy,Jilin University,Changchun,Jilin,130000,China)
机构地区 吉林大学口腔医院
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2021年第4期85-88,共4页 Chinese Hospital Management
关键词 人力资源 公平性 基尼系数 洛伦兹曲线 human resources equity Gini coefficient Lorenz curve
分类号 R197.32 [医药卫生—卫生事业管理]