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更新日期:2021-05-13     浏览次数:172

摘要 因新冠肺炎疫情突发,人们的生活、工作发生了巨大改变,抗疫与防疫成了设计学全球当下的主要议题;新冠疫情期间的抗疫防护设计具有更加明确的特质和功能导向,包括科普防疫与美赞逆行者的海报设计、极具防护隔离功能的产品设计、注重社交安全距离的公共设计与营造高效隔离的空间模块化设计等;这些特质在更深层次的意义上体现了设计的本质和价值,那就是着眼于健康生活所需,维系生命健康,维护个体尊严,关注心理情感,实现生活的人文关怀;新冠疫情之后对设计的功能与价值提出了更高的要求,社交距离、模块化、可持续、生态环保、绿色健康、人性情感等是后疫情时代更加值得我们重视的几个方面;设计不仅要提供给人舒适的生活,更要关注安全、健康的心理和生理需求。 People's lives and work have experienced tremendous changes because of the COVID-19 outbreak.Covid combat and prevention have become the main topic of design.Pandemic prevention and protection design in the COVID-19 period has more specific characteristics and functional trends,including the poster designs for spreading of the prevention knowledge,product designs with isolation functions,public designs stressing on social distances,and spatial designs for effective isolations.These characteristics embody the essence and value of design in a deeper sense,that is to focus on the needs of healthy life,maintain life health,maintain individual dignity,pay attention to psychological emotion,and realize the humanistic care of life.Therefore,the new epidemic situation has higher requirements on the function and value of the design,that is to stress on social distance,modularization,sustainability,ecological environment protection,green health,human feelings and so on.Design should not only provide people with a comfortable life,but also pay attention to the psychological and physiological needs of safety and health.
出处 《创意与设计》 2020年第6期27-34,共8页 Creation and Design
基金 内蒙古艺术学院研究生培养模式改革示范课程项目(NJYSK2018)。
关键词 新冠疫情 设计 抗疫 防护 COVID-19 epidemic design isolation protection