人际意义视阈下新媒体语篇图文关系探究——以微信公众号China Daily文章为例
更新日期:2021-05-14     浏览次数:112

摘要 随着互联网的普及与数字技术的不断升级,新媒体逐渐成为人们获取信息的主要途径之一。为了更加符合人们的阅读习惯,新媒体语篇由多种模态呈现。其中,图片与文字两种模态及其模态间关系对语篇目的的实现起着重要的作用。本研究选取China Daily微信公众号上发布的文章为例,以Martin等人的评价系统与Kress&van Leeuwen的视觉语法为依据,分别考察该类语篇中图片与文字所体现的人际意义,并以Martinec&Salway的图文关系为基础,进一步探究人际意义视阈下新媒体语篇中存在的图文关系。 With the popularity of the Internet and the upgrading of digital technology,new media has gradually become one of the main ways for people to obtain information.In order to conform to people's reading habits,new media discourse is presented in multimode.Among them,picture and text modes and their relationship play an important role in the realization of discourse purpose.This study takes the articles published on the WeChat official account of China Daily as an example.based on the Martin&White's Appraisal Theory and the Visual Grammar of Kress&Van Leeuwen,the study respectively examines the interpersonal meanings of pictures and texts,and further explores the relationship between images and texts in the new media discourse from the perspective of interpersonal meaning according to the Martinec&Salway's image-text relations.
作者 毛明勇 桑红艳 MAO Ming-yong;SANG Hong-yan(School of Foreign Languages,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China)
出处 《北京科技大学学报:社会科学版》 2021年第2期147-153,共7页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 新媒体 图文关系 人际意义 微信公众号 语篇分析 new media image and textual relationships interpersonal meaning WeChat official account discourse analysis