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更新日期:2021-05-14     浏览次数:156

摘要 国家乡村振兴战略提出,要想实现农业现代化必须综合提高农业生产、农业经营和农业服务的发展效率。本文基于2000—2018年中国30个省份的相关农业数据,从农业的生产、经营、服务三维角度利用超效率DEA模型进行效率测度,并使用综合熵值法对各省份农业现代化发展进行评价。结果发现,各省份农业生产、经营、服务效率不具备三维一致性,生产效率高的地区例如东北地区,其经营和服务效率较低;从农业现代化发展效率来看,传统的平原地区例如华北平原和长江中游平原,并非农业现代化发展水平超前的地区;配套环境好、机械化程度高且精耕细作的地区在考虑市场经营和资源技术服务效率后,其综合农业现代化水平较高。 The rural vitalization strategy states that the realization of agricultural modernization requires to improve the efficiency of farm production,operation and service supply.based on the data of 30 provinces from 2000 to 2018,we use the Super-efficiency DEA model to measure the efficiency in agricultural modernization from the perspectives of farm production,operation and service supply,and the comprehensive entropy method is applied to evaluate the agricultural modernization in each province.The results show that the efficiency of agricultural modernization in multiple dimensions is not consistent.Areas with higher production efficiency,such as the Northeast China have lower efficiency of farm operation and service supply.Moreover,the efficiency of agricultural modernization in traditional plain areas such as the North China Plain and the Middle Yangtze River Plain is not high.After considering the efficiency of market management and resources and technical services,the areas with good supporting environment,high degree of mechanization and intensive cultivation have a higher level of comprehensive agricultural modernization.
作者 田野 黄进 安敏 TIAN Ye;HUANG Jin;AN Min
出处 《农业经济问题》 北大核心 2021年第3期100-113,共14页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“建设‘长江三峡生态经济走廊’研究”(编号:19ZDA089) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“环境规制下三陕库区水污染负荷精细测度与分配优化策略研究”(编号:72004116)。
关键词 乡村振兴 农业现代化 超效率DEA 综合熵值 Rural revitalization Agricultural modernization Super-efficient DEA Comprehensive entropy