更新日期:2021-06-15     浏览次数:104

摘要 近年来,随着我国海洋经济的快速发展,越来越多的工程建设涉及到海洋地质。在海洋工程建设的前期勘察中,首要任务是精确测定各土层的强度参数。为探讨不同试样尺寸对海洋土体的强度及应力应变特性的影响,针对福建平潭综合试验区某海岸的强风化花岗岩,开展了试样直径分别为39.1mm、61.8mm和101mm的常规三轴固结不排水剪切试验,研究了强风化花岗岩应力—应变以及强度特性的尺寸效应。研究表明:对于三轴固结不排水剪切试验,强风化花岗岩剪应力峰值强度随试样直径增大而减小;其抗剪强度指标也随着试样直径的增大而减小;试样尺寸效应客观存在于三轴试验,实际工程的土工试验应注意选择合适的试样尺寸。 With the rapid development of China’s marine economy in recent years,more and more engineering is constructed in marine zone.It is most important to determine the strength parameters of soils in the investigation of marine engineering construction.In order to discuss the specimen size effects on the strength parameters and stress-strain characteristics of the strongly weathered granite of marine soil,a series of conventional triaxial consolidation undrained shear tests,with small(39.1 mm),middle(61.8 mm)and large(101 mm)specimens,are carried out on the strongly weathered granite in Pingtan of Fujian Province.The effects of different specimen sizes on the stress-strain characteristics and the strength of the strongly weathered granite are studied.The study results show that the peak strength of the strongly weathered granite will decrease with the increase of the specimen diameter,and the shear strength indexes also decrease with the increase of specimen size.The size effects of specimen exist objectively in triaxial consolidation undrained shear tests,so the suitable specimen size should be taken into consideration in practical engineering applications.
作者 潘生贵 陈少峰 杨辉 郑有强 李传懿 Pan Shenggui;Chen Shaofeng;Yang Hui;Zheng Youqiang;Li Chuanyi(Power China Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited,Hangzhou 311122,China;Huadong Engineering(Fujian)Corporation Limited,Fuzhou 350007,China;Department of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering,College of Environment and Resources,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350116,China)
出处 《工程勘察》 2021年第5期6-10,共5页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 福建省自然科学基金(2017J01481) 华东勘测设计院(福建)有限公司技术开发项目(FH2018-KY003)。
关键词 强风化花岗岩 三轴试验 尺寸效应 强度 应力应变特性 strongly weathered granite triaxial test specimen size effect strength behavior stressstrain property