更新日期:2021-06-15     浏览次数:97

摘要 城市承载力是指一定范围内,特定目标、特定时期城市的资源禀赋、生态环境、基础设施和公共服务对人口及经济社会活动的承载能力。基于房屋建筑和手机信令数据,从城市管理的空间特性出发,构建以居住空间承载力、就业空间承载力、公共服务空间承载力和道路空间承载力为切入点的评价指标,并以北京市为例,结合相应的规划、标准,进行城市功能空间承载力的测算,评估北京市城市功能空间承载力的现状情况。结果表明,①北京市居住空间、就业空间和公共服务空间总量充足,但分布不均,承载压力由高到低显现出从城区内向城区外多中心逐级递减的趋势;②北京市道路空间承载力不容乐观,人均占有率较低,易产生交通拥堵;③北京市城市功能空间集聚现象明显,呈现出由城区内向城区外多中心逐级递减的现象;④进一步对比研究发现,道路空间和居住空间是北京城市功能空间发展的短板因素。 Urban carrying capacity refers to the carrying capacity of population,economic and social activities in a certain range,a specific target,a specific period of the city’s resource endowment,ecological environment,infrastructure and public services.based on housing and cell phone signal data,starting from the space characteristics of city management,building of capacity assessment index on the employment space,living space,public service space and road space.Taking Beijing as an example,combined with the corresponding standards,planning,the bearing capacities of urban function spaces are evaluated.The results show that:①the total amount of living space,employment space and public service space in Beijing is abundant,but the distribution is uneven.The bearing pressure from high to low shows a trend of gradual decline from the inner city to the outer city;②the road space carrying capacity in Beijing is not optimistic,and the per capita occupancy rate is low,which is prone to traffic congestion;③the clustering phenomenon of urban functional space in Beijing is obvious,showing a gradual decline of multi-centers from the inner city to the outer city;④further comparative study shows that road space and living space are the weak factors in the development of urban functional space in Beijing.
作者 王淼 郭燕宾 刘博文 杨旭东 谢燕峰 Wang Miao;Guo Yanbin;Liu Bowen;Yang Xudong;Xie Yanfeng(Beijing Institute of Surveying and Mapping,Beijing 100038,China;Beijing Key Laboratory of Urban Spatial Information Engineering,Beijing 100038,China)
出处 《工程勘察》 2021年第5期40-45,共6页 Geotechnical Investigation & Surveying
基金 北京高等学校卓越青年科学家项目(JJWZYJH01201910003010) 城市空间信息工程北京市重点实验室经费资助项目(2019101)。
关键词 城市承载力 功能空间 测算 房屋建筑 手机信令 urban carrying capacity functional space evaluation building mobile phone signaling