更新日期:2021-07-07     浏览次数:150
核心提示:摘要在全球向可持续低碳经济转型的过程中,作为两大低碳能源技术,甲烷储存和甲烷捕集都面临着同样的挑战,即缺乏高效的吸附剂。MOFs(metal-organic fram

在全球向可持续低碳经济转型的过程中,作为两大低碳能源技术,甲烷储存和甲烷捕集都面临着同样的挑战,即缺乏高效的吸附剂。MOFs(metal-organic frameworks)材料具有极高的比表面积、孔隙率和可调节的孔隙结构,在气体吸附储存领域拥有极大的潜在应用价值。本文首先介绍了MOFs的结构设计和合成方法,综述并强调了MOFs材料在CH_4储存与捕集方面的研究进展及面临的问题。在CH_4高压储存方面,从体积吸附量和质量吸附量两个目标出发,介绍了目前MOFs材料储存CH_4的研究现状;在CH_4常压捕集方面,重点强调了CH_4/N_2和CO_2/CH_4分离技术和CH4捕集技术。最后,对利用MOFs材料实现高效CH_4储存和捕集存在的问题和挑战进行了分析和展望。In the process of global transition to a sustainable low-carbon economy,the two major low-carbon energy technologies,namely,methane(CH4)storage and methane capture face the same challenge,that is,the lack of efficient adsorbents.metal-organic framework(MOF)materials have potential value in the field of gas adsorption storage because of their high specific surface area,good porosity,and adjustable pore structure.In this study,the structural design and synthesis methods of MOFs are introduced,and the research progress and problems associated with MOF materials in methane storage and capture are reviewed.The current research status of methane storage at high pressure is introduced in terms of volumetric and gravimetric uptake.For methane capture at atmospheric pressure,emphasis is placed on CH4/N2 and CO2/CH4 separation and methane capture technologies.Finally,the problems and challenges of using MOF materials to achieve efficient methane storage and capture are analyzed and future prospects are presented.
作者李东泽 陈雷 刘刚 袁子云 李秉繁 张旭 魏甲强LI Dong-ze;CHEN Lei;LIU Gang;YUAN Zi-yun;LI Bing-fan;ZHANG Xu;WEI Jia-qiang(Shandong Provincial key laboratory of Oil&Gas Storage and Transportation Safety,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580,China)
出处《新型炭材料》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心  2021年第3期468-496,共29页New Carbon Materials
基金国家自然科学基金项目(51774315,51704319) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(18CX02172A).
关键词金属有机框架 甲烷 吸附 储存 捕集metal-organic frameworks Methane Adsorption Storage Capture
分类号TQ519 [化学工程]