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摘要 针对我国豌豆收获缺少适合机具的现状,为实现豌豆作物机械化收获,设计了4SZ-1.2型豌豆割晒机。首先,深入了解我国豌豆种植制度现状和豌豆收获技术要求,分析了机械收获作业过程中容易出现的切割困难、输送堵塞、铺放缠绕等问题,设计的4SZ-1.2型豌豆割晒机主要由切割装置、防缠绕拨禾装置和输送铺放装置组成,能够有效实现豌豆作物的切割、输送和铺放作业;然后,利用二次回归正交旋转试验进行分析,确定了最优的参数组合为前进速度1.03 m/s、割刀速度1.19 m/s、输送速度1.22 m/s、拨禾轮转速45.97 r/min;最后,进行了田间试验验证,结果表明,割晒机作业条铺整齐、割茬统一,漏割率为4.78%,收获损失率为4.96%,作业效率为0.185 hm2/h,能够满足豌豆收获要求。 In view of the lack of suitable machinery for pea harvesting in China,in order to realize the mechanized harvesting of pea crops,the 4SZ 1.2 pea windrower was designed.Firstly,the current situation of China s pea planting system and pea harvesting technical requirements were thoroughly understood,and the problems such as cutting difficulties,transportation blockage,lay blockage that are easy to occur in the process of mechanical harvesting were comprehensively analyzed.The designed 4SZ 1.2 pea windrower was mainly composed of the cutting device,the anti-winding reeling device and the conveying and laying device,which can effectively realize the cutting,conveying and laying operations of pea crops;then the quadratic regression orthogonal rotation test was used to analyze and determine the optimal parameter combination:the forward speed was 1.03 m/s,the cutting speed was 1.19 m/s,the conveying speed was 1.22 m/s,and the reel rotation speed was 45.97 r/min.Finally,the field tests of pea windrower were carried out in Pinggu,Beijing,and the field results showed that the pea placement after the pea windrower was laid neatly,the stubble was cut uniformly.After data sorting,the following data results can be obtained:the missed cut rate was 4.78%,the harvest loss rate was 4.96%,and the operation efficiency was 0.185 hm2/h,which met the demand for peas harvesting.The overall structure of the pea windrower was simple and the cost was low.It was hoped that the research result can provide technical support for the application of pea harvesting machinery.
作者 李金凤 赵继云 刘思瑶 侯秀宁 陈相安 张学敏 LI Jinfeng;ZHAO Jiyun;LIU Siyao;HOU Xiuning;CHEN Xiang’an;ZHANG Xuemin(College of Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期107-116,共10页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 科技部创新方法工作专项(20161M030200)。
关键词 豌豆割晒机 参数设计 正交试验 自走式 pea windrower parameter design orthogonal test self-propelled