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摘要 为探究本交笼养模式中与公鸡遗传贡献率相关指标的特性及公母配比,本实验选取2种本交笼模式,一种为大型本交笼(Ⅰ型),单笼饲养100只种鸡,公母配比为1:9;一种为小型本交笼(Ⅱ型),单笼饲养50只种鸡,公母配比为1:9。其中Ⅰ型本交笼选取2笼作为重复,Ⅱ型本交笼选取4笼作为重复。通过基于28个微卫星遗传标记的亲缘鉴定技术度量本交笼中种公鸡遗传贡献率并对公母配比进行研究,同时检测公鸡血清激素水平及精液品质。结果表明:在2种本交笼中,各组内公鸡间遗传贡献率差异显著;在Ⅱ型本交笼中,剔除1只低遗传贡献率的公鸡,公母配比由1:9提高到1:11,种蛋受精率差异不显著;公鸡遗传贡献率与公鸡精液品质、血清中促卵泡素及三碘甲状腺原氨酸相关系数分别为0.79、0.8与-0.8。 In this study,two types of colony cages(typeⅠand typeⅡ)were selected to investigate the genetic contribution of roosters by means of parentage test based on 28 STRs and study the ratio of roosters and hens in typeⅡcolony cages.The type I was a big size cage,in which 100 breeders were fed and the ratio of roosters and hens was 1:9,while the typeⅡwas a small size cage,in which 50 breeders were fed and the ratio of roosters and hens was also 1:9.Two groups of type I and four groups of typeⅡwere selected as repeats.The results showed that the genetic contribution of roosters was significantly different in two types of colony cages.In the typeⅡcolony cages,the fertilization rate of eggs was basically unchanged when the ratio of roosters and hens was increased from 1:9 to 1:11 by weeding out one rooster with low genetic contribution(P>0.05).The correlation coefficients among genetic contribution of roosters,semen quality,FSH and T3 levels in serum were 0.79,0.8 and-0.8,respectively.
作者 林兴涛 蓝芳仁 孙从佼 杨宁 李俊英 LIN Xingtao;LAN FangRen;SUN Congjiao;YANG Ning;LI Junying(College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China)
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第4期79-84,共6页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 国家重点研发计划项目,高产蛋鸡高效安全养殖技术应用与示范(2018YFD0501300) 国家蛋鸡产业技术体系(CARS-40)。
关键词 本交笼 种鸡 遗传贡献率 亲缘鉴定 公母配比 指标特性 colony cages Breeders Genetic contribution Parentage test Ratio of roosters and hens Indexes characteristics