更新日期:2021-05-24     浏览次数:132

摘要 由于各地马铃薯种植习惯和马铃薯种植机械的限制,马铃薯的垄距不尽相同,土壤性质也有较大的差异。马铃薯的中耕作业设备调节行距装置仅限于机械调节方式,操作不灵活且影响中耕效率。为此,研制了一种液压调节机组行距的中耕机,以适用于不同垄距的马铃薯中耕培土作业。该中耕机液压调节装置可同时调整松土铲和培土器组成的机组,培土器也可根据土壤性质无级调节培土幅度。经过在胶州马铃薯种植田地的中耕培土试验,结果表明:液压调节行距马铃薯中耕机实用性强,中耕伤苗率较低,培土垄型符合要求,可为以后的马铃薯中耕设备液压调控、智能集成提供理论依据。 The medium-sized tillage and soil-cultivating machine sold in the market has also been striving to improve,and has more and more functions.Potato planting habits and limitations of potato planting machinery vary in ridge spacing and soil properties.In view of this practical problem,this paper developed a hydraulic medium tiller with adjustable row spacing for potato cultivation with different ridge spacing.The hydraulic regulating device adjusts both the loosening shovel and the earth-culturing device,and the earth-culturing device can also steplessly adjust the range of soil-culturing.Through the middle tillage experiment in different potato planting fields in Jiaozhou,the hydraulic adjusting device has strong practicability,and the seedling injury rate of middle tillage is lower than that of other middle tillage machines,and the ridge type of soil cultivation also meets the requirements.The development of the tiller provides a theoretical basis for the hydraulic control and intelligent integration of the tiller in the future.The hydraulic regulated potato cultivator is to apply hydraulic control technology to the equipment.In the future,the development of potato cultivator will tend to be integrated and intelligent.Hydraulic technology and intelligent control technology will be widely used in this field.
作者 马春燕 李政平 杨洋 陈维强 刘艳君 李洪迁 孙雪 焦亚男 Ma Chunyan;Li Zhengping;Yang Yang;Chen Weiqiang;Liu Yanjun;Li Hongqian;Sun Xue;Jiao Yanan(Shandong Wuzheng Group Co. Ltd, Rizhao 276800, China)
出处 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2021年第4期90-94,共5页 Journal of Agricultural Mechanization Research
基金 山东省农机装备研发创新计划项目(2018YF020-04)。
关键词 马铃薯 中耕机 液压调节 potato medium tiller hydraulic regulation