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更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:258

摘要 学者解释《大学》,向来采用朱熹之说,认为《大学》是一篇教育学论文。实际上,《大学》通篇讲的是君王治国之道,此论可从四方面得以证实:其一,唐儒陆德明、孔颖达已发现《大学》主旨在于为政、治国;其二,从训诂学层面审视,朱熹之论不合《大学》文义;其三,《大学》所征引的文献均凸显君王治国之道这一主旨;其四,《大学》的内在逻辑—先后阐发了治国之前提与治国之方法。 Scholars have always used Zhu Xi’s theory to explain The Great Learning,believing that the book is an educational thesis.In fact,the whole passage of The Great Learning is about the king’s way of state governing.This theory can be confirmed from three aspects:first,Confucians Lu Deming and Kong Yingda of the Tang Dynasty found that the main purpose of The Great Learning is about political practice and state governing;second,from the perspective of exegetics,Zhu Xi’s theory does not conform to the meaning of The Great Learning;third,the literature cited in The Great Learning highlights the main purpose of king’s way of state governing;fourth,the internal logic of The Great Learning indicates that the book begins with the premises and ends with the methods of state governing.
作者 富金壁 FU Jinbi(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150080,China)
出处 《苏州教育学院学报》 2021年第1期56-60,共5页 Journal of Suzhou College of Education
关键词 《大学》 主旨 新解 治国之道 The Great Learning theme new interpretation way of state governing