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更新日期:2021-05-26     浏览次数:113

摘要 以中释西,从中国美学范畴的视角审视西方音乐,可凸显中国人对西方音乐的独特审美理解与价值评价。马勒交响曲中以"鸟鸣符号"构建的音乐意象,不仅承载着作曲家"以象达意"的表意性,带有主体"以象含情"的人格化特质,更蕴含"以象寓理"的文化性探寻与体悟,不论是表征天堂召唤的莺啼意象,追忆逝去青春的鹃蹄意象还是感悟神秘深境的鸮鸣意象,此类旨远寄深的审美境界正契合中国古典意象论"象外之象"的至高境界,而正是这种超越性的审美意象使"马勒复兴"热潮获得某种内在层面的解答。 Interpreting the west from the perspective of Chinese Aesthetics,observing Western music from the perspective of Chinese aesthetics category can highlight Chinese people’s aesthetic understanding and value evaluation of western music.The musical image constructed by the"Birdsong Symbol"in Mahler’s Symphony not only carries the ideology of composer’s"Expressing Implication with Image",but also carries the personality trait of the subject’s"Exuding Emotionality in Image",and even contains the cultural explore and realization of"Symbolizing Truth by Image".Whether it is the nightingale-warbler image symbolizing the summon of paradise,the cuckoo-twitter image reminiscing about the lost youth or the owl-tweet image perceiving the depths of the universe,such a far-reaching aesthetic is in line with Chinese Classical Imagery.The supreme realm of the"Image beyond Image",and this aesthetic image that transcending life that gives the"Mahler Revival"upsurge an answer in an intrinsic level.
作者 武宁 WU Ning(School of Music,Qufu Normal University,Rizhaon Shandong 276826)
出处 《艺术百家》 北大核心 2021年第1期173-180,共8页 Hundred Schools In Arts
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(2242019S30047)阶段性成果之一。
关键词 中国古典意象论 象外之象 马勒 鸟鸣 意象 以中释西 Chinese Classical Imagery Image beyond Image Mahler Birdsong Image Interpreting the west from the perspective of Chinese Aesthetics