更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:142

摘要 韩国GM工会的维权活动(2018-2020)是近年来韩国社会最为关注的工会运动,被评价为当今韩国工人运动的典范。韩国GM工会积极摸索斗争理论的意蕴,讲求斗争方法,在实践和理论层面上都走出了前人未曾走过的变革之路,取得了万众瞩目的显著成就,在韩国工人运动史上留下了坚实的脚印。韩国GM工会运动主要由舆论战、合作机制的构筑、内部协商、劳资谈判四个部分组成。可以说,每一部分紧密关联、相互促进,产生了良好的效果,有力地推动了韩国工会运动的发展,同时,向世人展现出新时代韩国工人运动在持续优化中不断前进的风采与活力。 The activities of ROK GM trade union(2018-2020)are the most concerned trade union movement in recent years.GM trade union has explored various ways of struggle,carried out unprecedented reforms and eventually made remarkable achievements both in practice and in theory.The movements of GM trade union are mainly composed of four parts:propaganda war,construction of cooperation mechanism,internal consultation and labor negotiations.Each step is closely related and mutually promoted,which has not only greatly push forward the development of ROK’s trade union movement,but also demonstrated the consecutive optimized style and vitality of Korean workers’movement in the new era.
作者 尹虎 YIN Hu
出处 《延边大学学报:社会科学版》 2021年第3期31-39,140,共10页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(19VJX049)。
关键词 韩国GM公司 工会运动 外资企业 劳资谈判 GM Korea trade union movement foreign enterprise labor negotiation