更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:137

摘要 以习近平总书记的指示和教育部有关政策为遵循,课程思政进一步深入建设必须坚持与思政课程同向同行。但是,基层课程思政建设浅存功利主义等消极思想、课程思政建设缺乏合作、非思政科目教师思政教育专业性不强、课程思政教育效果评价机制有待改进等一系列问题的存在,对课程思政建设进一步向纵深发展以及与思政课程同向同行形成了巨大的阻碍。针对上述问题,应借助"思政课一体化"建设东风,不断提升课程思政建设理念,强化课程思政建设跨专业、跨教育层级、跨校多方合作,引导思政专业力量帮助非思政学科提高课程思政建设质量,建立更加科学、专业的课程思政教育效果评价机制,推动课程思政建设进一步深入发展,促进课程思政和思政课程同向同行。 Following the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the relevant policies issued by the Ministry of Education,ideological and political education in class should be sychronously forwarded with the construction of ideological and political curriculum.However,barriers for the sychronization have formed due to problems such as utilitarianism,teachers’low competence,lack of cooperation in curriculum project and imperfect evaluation mechanism.Measures to solve these problems and realize the sychronization must be taken as follows:to continuously improve the concept of ideological and political construction in curriculum and strenghthen cross-disciplinary,cross-educational,and cross-school cooperation;to encourage ideological and political professionals to help the non-professionals to improve the teaching quality;to establish a more scientific and professional evaluation mechanism and promote the in-depth development of ideological and political construction in curriculum.
作者 张笑笑 ZHANG Xiao-xiao
出处 《延边大学学报:社会科学版》 2021年第3期79-85,142,共8页 Journal of Yanbian University:Social Science Edition
关键词 “思政课一体化” 课程思政 同向同行 立德树人 "integration of ideological and political curriculum" ideological and political education in class sychronization morality education