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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:122

摘要 征信信息安全管理是征信业务管理的重心。目前,我国征信信息安全管理面临法律法规有待健全、征信信息供需失衡、征信系统接入机构管理水平有待提高、征信信息跨境流动风险日益显现等问题。借鉴日本和韩国征信信息安全管理的成功经验,为加强我国征信信息安全管理,应进一步完善法律法规,强化监督管理,增加征信产品与服务供给,推动金融科技在征信领域的应用,加强国际交流合作。 Credit reporting information security management is the focus of credit business management.At present,China's credit reporting information security management is faced with problems such as the need to improve laws and regulations,the imbalance between the supply and the demand of credit information,the need to improve the management level of credit system access institutions,and the increasing risk of cross-border flow of credit reporting information.In order to strengthen China’s credit reporting information security management,we should further improve laws and regulations,strengthen supervision and management,increase the supply of credit products and services,promote the application of financial technology in the field of credit investigation,and strengthen international exchanges and cooperation.
作者 徐肖冰 陈庆海 Xu Xiaobing;Chen Qinghai(Shenyang University of Science and Technology,Shenyang 110159,Liaoning,China;Shenyang Branch of the People’s Bank of China,Shenyang 110001,Liaoning,China)
出处 《征信》 北大核心 2021年第3期52-55,共4页 Credit Reference
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(20YJC790155) 辽宁省教育厅高等学校基本科研项目(LG201718)。
关键词 征信信息 信息安全 跨境流动风险 征信监管 经验借鉴 credit reporting information information security risk of cross-border flow credit reporting supervision experience for reference