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更新日期:2021-05-28     浏览次数:211

摘要 传统服务质量和电子服务质量已广受关注,但同时基于人人交互和人技术交互的混合服务质量还缺乏深入探索。文章基于我国线上线下融合情境构建并实证分析了混合服务质量对双线服务忠诚的影响模型。实证分析表明,实体服务质量、电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值和线上忠诚有积极影响,实体服务质量、整合服务质量对关系质量和线下忠诚有积极影响;感知价值和关系质量对线上线下忠诚均有积极影响;并且,感知价值和关系质量在混合服务质量三维度与线上线下忠诚之间起到一定程度的中介作用。此外,跨渠道质量不一致负向调节了电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值的影响,负向调节了实体服务质量、整合服务质量对关系质量的影响;渠道使用模式负向调节了电子服务质量、整合服务质量对感知价值和关系质量的影响。研究从线上线下融合视角深入挖掘了混合服务质量影响服务忠诚的顾客心理机制和多渠道异质性特征,对混合服务提供商的服务质量和顾客忠诚管理有一定启示作用。 Traditional service quality and e-service quality have aroused wide attention,but in-depth exploration into the hybrid service quality based on human-human interactions and human-technology interactions is still inadequate.based on the online-offline context in China,the influence model of hybrid service quality on double-line service loyalty is constructed.Empirical analysis shows that physical service quality,electronic service quality and integrated service quality have a positive impact on perceived value and online loyalty,while physical service quality and integrated service quality have a positive impact on relationship quality and offline loyalty.The perceived value and relationship quality have positive effects on online and offline loyalty.In addition,the perceived value and relationship quality play a mediating role between the three dimensions of mixed service quality and online and offline loyalty to a certain extent.Moreover,the inconsistent cross-channel quality negatively regulates the impact of electronic service quality and integrated service quality on perceived value,and negatively regulates the impact of physical service quality and integrated service quality on relationship quality;the channel-use mode negatively regulates the influence of electronic service quality and integrated service quality on perceived value and relationship quality.From the view of online-offline integration,this study deeply explores the customer psychological mechanism and multi-channel heterogeneity characteristics of hybrid service quality influencing service loyalty,providing enlightenment on the service quality and customer loyalty management of hybrid service providers.
作者 沈鹏熠 许基南 朱建斌 SHEN Pengyi;XU Jinan;ZHU Jianbin(School of Business Administration,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China)
出处 《商业经济与管理》 北大核心 2021年第2期16-33,共18页 Journal of Business Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“基于线上线下融合的混合服务质量研究:驱动机制、影响效果和管理启示”(71762011) 国家社会科学基金项目“新媒体环境下‘网红’代言对品牌价值的影响机制及治理对策研究”(20BGL118) 江西省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地项目“新零售背景下江西农村零售业全渠道融合模式与实施路径研究”(JD20030)。
关键词 混合服务质量 感知价值 关系质量 服务忠诚 跨渠道质量不一致 渠道使用模式 hybrid service quality perceived value relationship quality service loyalty cross-channel quality inconsistency channel usage mode