文章速递 “艺术教育+廉政文化”之大学生廉洁教育路径探析
更新日期:2021-06-04     浏览次数:110

摘要 高校在青年大学生中开展廉洁教育,是提前接种“反腐疫苗”、培育廉洁意识、增强廉洁观念的重要举措,积极探索“艺术教育+廉政文化”之大学生廉洁教育模式,是贯彻新时代党的教育方针,强化大学生“五育”教育的重要举措,对促进大学生成长成才有着十分重要的作用。本文在阐释艺术教育与廉政文化、廉洁教育关系的基础上,分析了当前大学生廉洁教育与艺术教育严重脱钩的现实状况,提出了“艺术教育+廉政文化”之大学生廉洁教育新路径。 To carry out honesty education among young college students is an important measure for inoculation of“anti-corruption vaccine”in advance,cultivation of honesty awareness and enhancement of honesty concept.It is an important measure to carry out the Party’s educational policy in the new era and strengthen the education of“five educations”for college students to actively explore the model of“art education+clean government culture”,which plays a very important role in promoting the growth of college students.On the basis of explaining the relationship between art education,clean government culture and clean government education,this paper analyzes the current situation of serious decoupling between clean government education and art education for college students,and proposes a new path of clean government education for college students through“art education+clean government culture”.
作者 杨蓓蓓 Yang Bei-bei(Leshan Normal University,Leshan,Sichuan 614000,China)
机构地区 乐山师范学院
出处 《四川民族学院学报》 2021年第2期106-108,共3页 Journal of Sichuan Minzu College
基金 乐山市廉政研究中心项目“‘艺术教育+廉政文化’之大学生廉洁教育路径探析”(LSLZ(2020)06)。
关键词 高校 艺术教育 廉政文化 廉洁教育 路径创新 universities art Education culture of Integrity integrity education path of innovation