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更新日期:2021-06-08     浏览次数:142

摘要 基于冲突复杂观视角,从中国社会义利混合的关系取向出发,构建了冲突回避策略的演化博弈模型,分析了该策略动态选择和调整机制及影响因素。演化博弈分析表明:冲突回避成本大于关系收益是博弈双方选择对抗的关键因素,决定了冲突回避容忍区间的下限;冲突回避成本小于关系收益与合作超额收益之和是冲突回避的充分条件,影响着冲突回避容忍区间的上限。博弈双方会通过关系价值理性计算来动态地修正和切换策略选择。这种整体性和动态性的研究弥补了静态观下冲突回避实证研究的不足,解释了冲突策略风险偏好的反转之谜。实践中,企业应考察对方的关系取向、合作的战略意图,经济损失的承受底线,从而把握好冲突回避的应用边界与时效。 This paper,from the perspective of conflict complexity,analyses dynamic selection,realignment mechanism and influencing factors of the conflict avoidance strategy by establishing ESS model in accordance with integration of justice and benefit relationship orientation.Evolutionary game analysis reveals that the condition that the cost of conflict avoidance exceeds relationship benefit is considered as the key factor to choose the confrontation,which determines the bottom line of forbearance,whereas it is a sufficient condition for conflict avoidance that the cost of conflict avoidance is less than the sum of relationship benefit and cooperation excess earnings,which sets the ceiling of forbearance.Accordingly,game players will dynamically adjust and switch relevant strategies on the basis of rational calculation of relation value.This holistic and dynamic research bridges the gap of empirical researches on conflict avoidance under the static view,to certain extent explaining the puzzle of inversion of risk preference for conflict strategies.Consequently,members of cooperation need to grasp temporal and marginal conditions of application of conflict avoidance by taking their counterparts'relation orientation,cooperation intention and bottom line of economic loss into account.
作者 马鹏 Ma Peng;Cai Shuangli
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2021年第4期24-35,共12页
基金 天津社会科学基金项目“中国儒家文化‘和谐’价值观视角下的组织间冲突回避策略研究”(项目编号:TJGL20-004)。
关键词 冲突回避 关系取向 关系价值 演化博弈 conflict avoidance relation orientation relation value evolutionary ga