更新日期:2021-06-21     浏览次数:209

摘要 个别城际线路出现了多起同型号服役动车组车体失稳问题,且车体失稳随着车轮磨耗越发明显,降低了乘坐舒适性与运营品质。为了研究车体失稳机理并制定控制措施,从轨道测试、车辆测试、研磨子测试、旋修质量、轨道不平顺等多个方面开展了深入的试验研究。研究表明钢轨打磨不到位、研磨子抑制等效锥度增加是造成动车组持续车体失稳的主要原因。依据研究结果提出了车体失稳的控制措施。 There have been several carbody instability problems in same model service EMU on some intercity lines,and the instability became more and more obvious with wheel wear,decreasing ride comfort and operation quality.In order to study the mechanism of carbody instability and formulate control measures,in-depth experimental research was carried out from track test,vehicle test,abrasive block test,reprofile quality,track irregularity and other aspects.The results show that the failure of rail grinding and the increase of equivalent conicity inhibited by the abrasive block are the main causes of carbody instability.based on the research results,the control measures of carbody instability are proposed.
作者 孟葳 MENG Wei(Locomotive&Car Research Institute,China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited,Beijing 100081,China)
出处 《铁道机车车辆》 北大核心 2021年第2期28-32,69,共6页 Railway Locomotive & Car
基金 中国国家铁路集团有限公司科研开发计划课题(J2019J002) 中国铁道科学研究院集团有限公司科研项目(2020YJ129)。
关键词 车体失稳 晃车 等效锥度 轮轨型面 研磨子 carbody instability carbody shaking equivalent conicity wheel/rail profile abrasive block