更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:106

摘要 箍筋作为常见的约束措施可以提高混凝土的变形能力,使之与高强钢材相匹配。为了探究箍筋约束作用对高强型钢混凝土组合柱轴压受力性能的影响,通过ABAQUS有限元分析软件建立模型并设计6根模拟柱试件,结合模拟试件的受力过程对约束作用的影响进行分析。结果表明:箍筋的约束作用对高强型钢混凝土组合柱的轴压承载力有较大影响,且影响程度随型钢强度等级的提高而增大;约束作用可以影响混凝土的抗压性能和高强钢材所发挥的抗压强度。 As a common restraint measure,stirrups can improve the deformability of concrete and make it match the high-strength steel.In order to study the influence of stirrup restraint on the axial compression performance of high-strength steel reinforced concrete columns,a model was established by ABAQUS finite element analysis software and six simulated column specimens were designed.The influence of restraint effect on the force process of simulated specimens was analyzed.The results show that the restraint effect of stirrups has a great influence on the axial compressive bearing capacity of high strength steel reinforced concrete columns,and the degree of influence increases with the increase of the strength grade of the section steel,the restraint effect can affect the compressive performance of concrete and the compressive capability strength of high strength steel.
作者 苏宇 王欣然 Su Yu;Wang Xinran(School of Civil Engineering,Northeast Forestry University,Harbin 150040,China)
出处 《山西建筑》 2021年第11期48-50,共3页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 箍筋约束 高强钢 轴压承载力 数值模拟 stirrup restraint high strength steel axial compressive capacity numerical simulation