更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:226

摘要 《中华人民共和国民法典》第四百零四条将“正常经营买受人规则”的适用范围由动产浮动抵押延展至一般动产抵押,其目的在于充分发挥物的流转价值,进一步激发潜在市场活力。但问题在于,将适用范围扩大至一般动产抵押可能造成抵押权受损的结果,即抵押权的追及效力止步于“正常经营买受人规则”。且该规则又与本法典第四百零六条第一款“抵押财产转让的,抵押权不受影响”的规定相矛盾。为此,应立足于该规则构成要件本身,明确“经营”应当符合抵押人通常开展的商事活动标准,同时经营活动方式应当包括互易、租赁、抵销等;适当放宽“合理价款”的支付要求;“取得”的方式应当包含间接占有;“善意”应当与善意取得制度进行区分,不可轻易混同。 Article 404 of The Civil code of the people′s Republic of China extends the scope of application of"buyer′s rule of normal operation"from movable property floating charge to general chattel mortgage,the purpose of which is to give full play to the exchange value of goods and further stimulate the potential market vitality.However,the problem is that extending the scope of application to the general chattel mortgage may result in the damage of the mortgage,that is,the tracing effect of the mortgage stops at the normal operation buyer.At the same time,this rule contradicts the first paragraph of article 406 of this code that"if the mortgaged property is transferred,the mortgage right will not be affected".In order to solve the related problems,we should base on the elements of the rule itself.It is clear that"operation"should conform to the standard of commercial activities normally carried out by mortgagors,and the scope of business activities should include reciprocity,lease,set off,etc.;the payment requirements of"reasonable price"should be relaxed appropriately;"acquisition"should include indirect possession;the"good faith"in the law should be distinguished from the"good faith acquisition"system,and the two should not be confused.
作者 郭兵林 GUO Binglin(Master of Law Education Center, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China)
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报:社会科学版》 2021年第2期37-42,共6页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
关键词 正常经营 合理价款 取得 善意 normal operation reasonable price acquisition good faith