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更新日期:2020-06-05     来源:湖北文理学院学报   作者:李艳芳  浏览次数:155

《佩雷尔曼受众理论下讲好“中国故事”策略分析》为作者:李凌云最新的研究成果,本论文的主要观点为摘要:在修辞学跨学科研究的大背景下,关于讲好“中国故事”的策略分析多采用伯克的“同一”理论作为理论支撑。此外,还有许多修辞理论同样可以为更好的对外宣传效果提供借鉴之处。研究尝试将佩雷尔曼的受众理论融入对外宣传中,侧重分析习近平执政以来致非洲的两篇演讲,以期对肯尼思·伯克的“同一”理论在外宣领域的应用做出有益补充,从而更好讲述“中国故事”。 Abstract: In the background of the interdisciplinary studies of rhetoric, quantities of studies have chosen Kenneth Burke’s ‘identification’ theory as a theoretical foundation to explore how to tell “Chinese story” in a more convincing way。 While, many other rhetorical theories can also provide references for the improving of international publicity。 As a useful supplement to the practice of Burke’s ‘identification’ theory in the field of international publicity, this thesis integrates Perelman’s audience theory into international publicity by analyzing two speeches delivered by Xi Jinping to Africa since he took office, in order to provide more perspectives to tell “Chinese story” more effectively in the end。不知是否符合录用要求,望您批评与指正。