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更新日期:2021-05-27     浏览次数:145

摘要 “日课一文”是让学生根据日程每天写一篇文章以锤炼写作能力。这种理念既传承自唐宋“日课一诗”的传统,也直接脱胎于科举时代每日练习经义、策论、八股文的备考传统,最终在一个文化共同体中成为具有共通体验的写作习惯,并且内化为一种精神寄托和生活方式。“日课一文”具有多重教育效能,可以把读与写有机结合,以达成体用合一,也能增强写作者驾驭文字的能力,以实现由熟练到畅达、隽永的进阶。按照日课逐步推进的写作流程,可以看作是个人修养的外在显现,也是一位士人能否在长时段里保持自律的衡量标准;在学人那里,以日草为日课,每天记录札记,实际是大部头著作的前提和基石。到民国时期,“日课一文”在教学领域转变为逐日札记,继续在写作基本功层面发挥作用。 So-called "daily essay writing practice" requires students to write an essay each day on a schedule so as to improve their writing skills. This approach dates back to the"daily poem writing practice"widely used by students in the Tang and Song Dynasties to help them prepare for the imperial examinations(or Keju). At that time,this daily writing practice had become a daily routine common among those Chinese literati and even an integral part of their lives. Later,scholars writing academic monographs also adopted this daily writing practice approach,for instance,they may keep writing,say,1000 words of their drafts each day on a schedule. During China’s Republican Era(1912—1949),"daily journal writing practice"was established as a pedagogic approach for teaching Chinese language. In fact,daily writing practice approach has proven to be highly productive,not just as a way to improve writing skills,but also a means of self-cultivation. Writers can hone their skills through such a daily practice,and what’s more,cultivate strong self-discipline via keeping a regular writing schedule.
作者 李成晴 Li Chengqing
出处 《现代大学教育》 北大核心 2021年第1期70-77,111,共9页 Modern University Education
基金 2019年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金课题“敦煌写本、宋刻本所见唐人的别集编撰思想与实践研究”,项目编号:19YJC751013。
关键词 日课一文 日程 写作 科举 传统教育 教育效能 理念转型 daily essay writing schedule writing the ancient China’s imperial examinations traditional education education effectiveness conceptual change