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更新日期:2021-06-08     浏览次数:135

摘要 我国高度重视物流业与制造业的融合发展,物流业与制造业的集聚发展既是推动两业深度融合的重要手段,也是促进经济增长和供给侧结构性改革的重要举措。本文总结了物流业与制造业专业集聚、协同集聚对经济增长的作用机制,以我国大陆31个省(市、区)数据为样本,运用空间面板模型实证分析了物流业与制造业专业集聚、协同集聚对区域经济增长的影响。研究发现:我国物流业与制造业的专业集聚与协同集聚均对区域经济增长具有促进作用,并存在明显的倒“U”型关系;物流业与制造业协同集聚对区域经济增长的影响程度相对较大,对其他区域也具有显著的正向溢出效应;而两业专业集聚对其他区域的溢出效应则具有差异性。最后,提出了进一步推动物流业与制造业协同集聚发展的对策建议。 The integrated development of logistics industry and manufacturing industry is highly valued in China.The agglomeration of logistics industry and manufacturing industry is not only an important means to promote the deep integration of the two industries,but also an important measure to promote economic growth and supply side structural reform.This paper summarizes the mechanism of professional agglomeration and cooperative agglomeration of logistics industry and manufacturing industry on economic growth,and based on the data of 31 provinces(cities and districts)in China,empirically analyzes the influence of professional agglomeration and cooperative agglomeration of logistics industry and manufacturing industry on regional economic growth by using spatial panel model.The research finds that the professional agglomeration and cooperative agglomeration of logistics industry and manufacturing industry in China can promote regional economic growth,with an obvious inverted"U"relationship;the cooperative agglomeration of logistics industry and manufacturing industry has a great impact on regional economic growth,and has a significant positive spillover effect on adjacent regions;and the spillover effect of professional agglomeration of the two industries on other regions is different.Finally,some suggestions are put forward to promote the cooperative agglomeration development of logistics industry and manufacturing industry.
作者 鄢飞 王铁山 Yan Fei;Wang Tieshan
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2021年第4期88-97,共10页
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“物流业与制造业协同集聚机理及空间效应研究:基于产业融合与空间集聚交互视角”(项目编号:19XJC790016) 陕西省软科学研究计划项目“陕西省物流业与制造业协同集聚水平与效应分析”(项目编号:2019KRM049) 陕西省软科学项目研究计划项目“陕西自贸试验区创新平台促进高技术服务业发展策略研究”(项目编号:2019KRM144) 陕西省教育厅重点智库项目“陕西自贸区服务贸易创新发展及对产业结构升级的影响研究”(项目编号:18JT003)。
关键词 协同集聚 物流业集聚 制造业集聚 经济增长 空间面板模型 cooperative agglomeration logistics industry agglomeration manufacturing industry agglomeration economic growth spatial panel model