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更新日期:2021-06-08     浏览次数:112

摘要 采用期望确认理论和SOR方法,研究了网络平台用户黏度的产生机理,剖析了网络平台用户的感知价值、感知成本、心流体验与用户黏度的影响关系。研究结果表明,网络平台用户的感知价值以心流体验为中介对用户黏度产生显著正向影响,网络平台用户的感知成本以心流体验为中介对用户黏度产生显著负向影响。最后,围绕如何增强用户黏度,给出了对策建议:从信息价值、社交价值、认同价值三个维度提升感知价值;通过增值服务拓展、时间成本和机会成本降低,妥善平衡感知成本;运用信息技术精准洞察用户需求立足心流体验。本研究有利于探究影响网络平台用户黏度的因素,从学理上进一步丰富网络平台用户黏度理论体系,并从应用视角为网络平台企业提升用户黏度提供借鉴。 based on Expectation Confirmation Theory and SOR,this paper studied the generation mechanism of network platform user viscosity,and analyzed the relationship of perceived value,perceived cost,flow experience and user viscosity.The results show that the perceived value of network platform users mediated by flow experience has a significant positive impact on the user viscosity,and the perceived cost of network platform users mediated by flow experience has a significant negative impact on the user viscosity.Finally,this paper gave three aspects of countermeasures and suggestions on how to enhance the user viscosity.Firstly,network platform enterprises should enhance the perceived value from three dimensions of information value,social value and identity value.Secondly,they should balance the perceived cost through value-added service expansion,time cost and opportunity cost reduction.Finally,they should use information technology to accurately insight into user needs and base on flow experience.This study is helpful to explore the factors that affect the network platform user viscosity,to further enrich the theoretical system of network platform user viscosity,and to provide reference for network platform enterprises to improve user viscosity from the perspective of application.
作者 张美娟 刘建刚 Zhang Meijuan;Liu Jiangang
机构地区 常州大学商学院
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2021年第4期98-105,共8页
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“准公共产品视角下网络平台企业的治理机制研究”(项目编号:20BGL096) 江苏省社会科学基金项目“生命周期视角下网络平台企业风险生成机制及防控对策研究”(项目编号:19GLB015) 江苏高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“初创型互联网平台企业成长的影响因素及路径研究”(项目编号:2018SJZDI045)。
关键词 用户黏度 网络平台 心流体验 user viscosity network platform flow experience