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更新日期:2021-06-22     浏览次数:139

摘要 智能建造背景下,工程管理专业实践教学显现出从专业导向转向产业需求、从专业独立培养转向专业交叉融合、从专业能力养成转向创新协同育人的新特点。然而,当前情境下工程管理专业实践教学面临着专业人才培养定位偏离、实践课程体系结构缺失、信息化素养不足、人才供需脱节的现实困境,BIM技术发展为破解专业实践教学难题提供了新模式与新路径。通过将智能建造理念融入工程管理BIM实践教学改革,进行工程管理专业人才新内涵探索、专业实践课程体系重构、综合实践创新平台搭建、校企协同创新发展四大变革,重构工程管理专业BIM实践教学的路径,促使工程管理专业人才培养更具有信息化时代特征,更赋有创新思维,更拥有工程建造能力。 Under the background of intelligent construction, the practical teaching of engineering management major has shown new characteristics from the professional orientation to the industrial demands, from the professional independent training to the professional cross integration, from the professional ability development to the innovative and collaborative education. However, under the current situation, the practical teaching of engineering management major is facing the deviation of professional talent training orientation, the lack of practical curriculum system structure, the lack of information literacy and the disconnection of talent supply and demand, BIM provides a new mode and path for solving the practical teaching problems. By integrating intelligent construction into BIM practical teaching reform, four changes have been carried out, including the exploration of new connotation of engineering management, the reconstruction of professional practice curriculum system, the comprehensive platform for innovation and training, and the collaborative innovation and development of schools and enterprises. The reconstruction of BIM practical teaching path promotes the cultivation of engineering management talents to have the characteristics of information age, more innovative thinking and more engineering construction ability.
作者 张恒 郑兵云 唐根丽 丁华军 Zhang Heng;Zheng Bingyun;Tang Genli;Ding Huajun
出处 《高等工程教育研究》 北大核心 2021年第3期54-60,共7页 Research in Higher Education of Engineering
基金 2020年安徽省教育厅新工科研究与实践项目“面向智能建造的工程管理专业创新型人才培养探索与实践” 2020年安徽省高校质量工程项目“新工科背景下工程管理专业BIM实践课程‘教学做’一体化教学改革路径探究”。
关键词 工程管理专业 智能建造 BIM 实践教学 engineering management major intelligent construction building information modeling practical teaching